Tourist pitches

Camping du Muhlenbach proposes you

“tourist” pitches for a short stay

We propose you delimited and numberd pitches for:
– tents
– caravans
– motor homes (stabilized pitches)
Whether you are by car, motorcycle, bike, horse or walking…

Among our 40 tourist pitches, you have the choice between “nature” pitches (without electricity) and “comfort” pitches (with electricity 6A).

26There are different types of ground : sand, grass, sandstone, earth…
Our sandy underground is very adventageous in case of rain : the water penetrates quickly.
You will find pitches nearby and around the pond, near the toiletblocks or the playground.
Some pitches are more sunny or shadowy than others, all depends on the period of the year and the solar cycle.

If you didn’t already visit our campsite and don’t have a “favourite pitch”, please be free to tell us your wishes and we will help you choosing the pitch you are looking for.

In order to please our guests bringing their motor home, we have stabilized a few pitches for an easier and more comfortable installation of their vehicle.

A 30 € deposit will be asked for the acces card of the barrier.

We kindly ask you to free your pitche at noon:
– the pitches are released at 12′ o’clock
– the pitches are available after 1 pm

At your arrival at the campsite, please park your care at the waiting zone and ring the «information» bell near the barrier.
We will guide you…



Service area for motor homes


A service area for motor homes to flush and fill up water is at your disposal at the entry of the campsite.

Free flushing und filling up the water service if you stay at the campsite.